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tv   America This Morning  ABC  September 9, 2013 4:00am-4:31am PDT

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making news in america this morning -- immediate task. congress returns from a break today, head-on into a debate over syria. president obama getting a high-profile visit today to make his case. major malfunction. a carnival ride stops in midair, injuring several children. what caused the ride's sudden fall. mixed messages. the debate over when women should get mammograms is heating up once again. this morning, the new report that may change the age for breast cancer screening. and off course. new video this morning of a hot air balloon narrowly missing homes and trees. passengers on board are talking about what went wrong. and good monday morning.
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the lobbying on syria kicking into high gear today as congress returns from a five-week vacation. >> president obama will speak to six tv network anchors today, including our diane sawyer. >> late sunday, president obama made an unannounced visit to a dinner hosted by vice president joe biden. >> tahman bradley joins us with more. good morning, tahman. >> reporter: good morning, diana. good morning, john. over the next two days, the president will make his push in public and private, knowing that winning this vote in congress may be the biggest test of his presidency. president obama is making an all-out push to persuade congress to authorize a military strike against syria. but it's a hard sell. even senior administration officials admit the president faces an uphill climb with congress. >> they have no viable plan. >> reporter: last night, president obama surprised about a dozen republican
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senators who were being lobbied over dinner by the vice president. today, the president sits down for six network tv interviews before delivering a rare, primetime message to the nation tomorrow night. the administration is using this gruesome video of what it says is theafter math of an august 21st poison gas attack. >> it's not boots on the ground. this is a very concerted, concentrated, limited effort. >> reporter: polls show a majority of americans against military intervention in syria. some have taken to the streets. >> u.s. out of the middle east. >> i think the united states gets into a war, there will be no way to get out. >> reporter: even the president's liberal base opposed military action. has this ad out. >> don't lead us down this road again. >> reporter: the
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administration's lobbying efforts continue. while the syrian president assad denied using chemical weapons. he pledged to retaliate if the u.s. strikes. the president will talk to senate democrats in person tomorrow. senate approval seems within reach. in the house, the white house has a lot of work left to do. >> we know that hillary clinton is heading to the white house later today. will she be addressing the issue? >> reporter: she'll be at the white house for a wild life trafficking event. one of her senior aides says she'll touch on syria in brief remarks. last week, she came out in support of a limited attack on syria. >> abc's tahman bradley, live in washington for us this morning. thank you. abc news will provide live coverage of the president's speech beginning at 9:00 p.m. eastern time tomorrow night. overseas, passengers enduring a frightening landing in thailand when their plane skidded off the runway. the neez gear failed during landed last night. the plane skidded to a stop on grass beside the runway.
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passengers and crew evacuated on emergency slides. 14 passengers were sent to hospitals. back here at home, more than a dozen people were hurt in a malfunction of a carnival ride in norwalk, connecticut. many riders were sent flying out of their seats. >> i heard this crash. of all this metal and all these seats clicking together. and then i looked to my left and i saw the swing ride. it collapsed. all these people were there. i actually saw someone fall out of the cart. >> 18 people suffered minor injuries. one child was taken to the hospital. the ride's operators, stewart amusement, is blaming mechanical failure. the first nfl sunday was not without accidents including a fatal fall at candlestick park in san francisco. a man fell from an elevated
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pedestrian walkway. witnesses said the man appeared to be intoxicated. he was declared dead soon after first responders got to him. in indianapolis, two fans were injured when they fell when the railing they were leaning against gave way above the tunnel that led to the locker room. one person treated at the stadium and released. the second taken to the hospital for evaluation. new information about the secret nsa surveillance program. they were able to bypass security measures and tap into iphones, androids, and blackberries. a german magazine says that internal documents show nsa teams were able to set up for each type of smartphone in an effort to monitor suspected terrorists. they can apparently access text messages, contact notes, and other data. and there's a bit of history playing out today if pakistan. a new president is being sworn in. asif ali zardari stepped down yesterday. he completed a five-year term. his successor, mamnoon hussain
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is taking office today. we're learning from dennis rodman. returning from his visit to north korea, he revealed that kim jong-un has a new baby daughter. rodman claims he's a good dad to the baby. he revealed he's planning a basketball game between u.s. and north korean teams. we'll get more details on that expected today. here at home, one of the nation's most influential civil rights leaders is stepping down. naacp president ben jealous says he's resigning at the end of the year. the 40-year-old jealous says he plans to pursue teaching at a university and plans to spend time with his young family. he's credited with improving the finances and donor base over his five years as president. and turning now to severe weather in the west. hundreds of volunteers have been cleaning up quite a mess in the city of alpine, utah. >> a wall of floodwater and
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debris overran a canal and a basin and roared through a neighborhood. this morning, crews are trying to clear the canal before more flooding that is expected this week. they were joined by residents who got text messages from the city asking for help. expect more heavy rains and flood watches for the southwest. the moisture continues through the rockies and northern plains. they could see 1 to 3 inches of rain over the next 24 hours. the east coast will be dry. with some morning frost in new england. temperatures cooler in the northeast. near normal in the mid-atlantic. hot in the southeast. most of the central midwest sweats through a heat wave. chicago, minneapolis, dallas, all about five to ten degrees above normal. delaying the impulse. the city's plan for a waiting period on tattoos. getting a lot of buzz. lots of you weighing in on our facebook page. and mistaken identity. a prince stopped by police and forced to put his hands up. why the heightened security at buckingham palace. and the first nfl sunday of
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the season in the books with a few surprises. we'll have the highlights. ♪
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as washington grapples with u.s. involvement in syria, wall street is watching closely. millions of american investment accounts felt the dow's drop friday minutes after russia's pledge to back syria. the uncertainty sent oil prices to a two-year high. the good news here? u.s. stock futures were up overnight. neiman marcus apparently is about to be sold. for more than $6 billion. "the wall street journal"
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reports that the luxury retailer is in talks with aries management. and the canada pension plan investment board, the current owners, bought it back in 2005. at the box office this weekend, vin diesel's "riddick" at the top. 18.8 million bucks. "the butler" in second. and "instructions not included" came in third with $8.1 million. it will be tend of an automotive era at the end of the year. the last volkswagen bus rolls off the assembly line in brazil. known as the micro bus and the h hippie mobile, the vehicle came to symbolize the free-wheeling life of the '60s. the race is on for fans to find used models. new research about how important in-flight internet is to passengers. >> 32% surveyed said they would give up seats that recline for wi-fi. 13% said they would forego access to bathrooms in exchange for wi-fi. >> the first part, maybe.
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the bathroom, no. >> that seems a little exce excessive. when we come back, an important story for women here. a new report is reigniting the debate when should they get mammograms. and hard landing. a hot air balloon comes down in the middle of a neighborhood. the whole incident caught on tape. i like to drink orange juice or have lemon in my water... eat tomato sauce on my spaghetti. the acidic levels in some foods can cause acid erosion. the enamel starts to wear down. and you can't grow your enamel back. i was quite surprised, as only few as four exposures a day what that can do to you. it's quite a lesson learned. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel. because it helps to strengthen the enamel. he recommended that i use it every time i brush. you feel like there is something that you're doing to help safeguard against the acid erosion. and i believe it's doing a good job. guys, you took tums® a couple hours ago. why keep taking it if you know your heartburn keeps coming back?
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that's how it works. you take some tums®. if heartburn comes back, you take some more. that doesn't make any sense. it makes plenty of sense if you don't think about it! really, honey, why can't you just deal with it like everybody else? because i took a pepcid®. fine. debbie, you're my new favorite. [ male announcer ] break with tradition, take pepcid® complete. it works fast and lasts. get relief from your heartburn relief with pepcid® complete. get relief from your heartburn relief backflips and cartwheels.mile? love, warmth. here, try this. mmmm, ok! ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching.
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♪ i'm gonna move a mountain [ female announcer ] kraft singles have no artificial flavors and they're always made with milk, so you can be sure there's no single thing better when you're grilling up a burger. ♪ a nasa space probe is back on track to the moon this morning. the spacecraft left a trail of fire that blazed across the sky over the weekend, clearly visible to millions of people along the east coast. the orbiter hit a glitch, but nasa was able to fix it. it's expected to reach in the moon next month. now a look at morning road conditions back here on earth. heavy rain expected in minneapolis and denver. fog rolls into the west coast from san francisco to l.a. if you're flying this
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morning, airport delays possible in phoenix and denver from thunderstorms and lightning. now to london. police are so jumpy around buckingham palace an a -- after a security breach that they almost detained a member of the royal family. >> they've been apologizing all around. here's abc's nick schifrin. >> reporter: unprecedented security jitters. the calm themes played out in the garden have been replaced by suspicion. even the queen's own son was mistaken as an intruder. on wednesday night, prince andrew, the duke of york, was walking in the gardens when two armed police stopped him and made him put his hands up. >> you see someone where they shouldn't be, you confront the person, you say, hey, who are you? and you find out who it is and you end up with egg on your face. >> reporter: an embarrassed scotland yard says the officers didn't pull guns. there's good reason the queen's guards are jumpy.
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on monday night, real-life intruder got into the queen's home. he broke through a door into an area displaying the coronation necklace. police arrested him and an accomplice waiting outside. prince andrew accepted the apology and hopes his next garden stroll is safer. nick schifrin, abc news, outside buckingham palace. >> our thanks to nick. here at home, a weekend sootout with police has left a homeowner dead. that man, 107 years old. >> police in pine bluff, arkansas, said they were called to a home after an elderly man pointed a gun at two people. officers helped the people get out safely. police say monroe isadore shot at s.w.a.t. team members who then returned fire. a new study released overnight. should younger women get mammograms? new research suggests that women who don't get mammograms, even younger women, comprise a sizable portion of breast cancer deaths. the government panel had recommended breast cancer screening be limited to women between 50 and 74 years old.
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that led to limits on insurance coverage for younger women. and tapping the brakes on tattoos. a new think before you ink bill is proposed in the nation's capital. washington, d.c., lawmakers are considering a mandatory 24-hour waiting period before you get a piercing or a tattoo. it's intended to minimize the morning after regret that many people feel after a hasty late-night decision to get body work. >> what's next? do you have to wait 24 hours to get highlights in your hair? give me a break. >> i don't know. we've been asking you. it's our facebook question of the day. should there be a waiting period for tattoos? the majority of people responding no. daniel says -- absolutely not. just because some people are irresponsible with their tattoo choices doesn't mean we responsible ones have to pay for it. >> i agree. 100%. dina says it may cut down on regrets.
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head to and leave your response. another big gator has been taken. this one in florida. take a look at this guy. 737 pounds of reptile hauled in after an hours-long struggle. he was spotted along a river in central florida not far from orlando. last month, hunters in mississippi captured a 654-pound gator. residents of a san diego neighborhood saw this over the weekend. can you imagine? a panda-shaped hot air balloon coming down. narrowly missing several homes and trees. it's the same balloon that once landed in the middle of major highway. is it the same pilot? >> might be time to retire the panda. >> landed in oz, too, i think. no one was hurt in saturday's incident. the neighbors say they like seeing the balloons up close. maybe not that close. another williams to tell you about. her name is serena. for the 17th time, she's a champion of a grand slam tournament. serena williams had to work against victoria azarenka in the u.s. open women's final.
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but for the first time in this tournament, she actually lost a set. but she powered through. and in the end, she was too much. she took home her fifth u.s. open title. her ninth tournament win of this season. that's not all that is happening in the world of sports. >> the first sunday of nfl action did not disappoint. here's steve levy of espn with the highlights. good morning, america. i'm steve levy. there's no time for happy talk. we just had the first full sunday of the nfl season. fourth quarter, new york down, 30-17. third and two at the cowboys' 8. eli manning finds victor cruz. the giants were awful with the football but still had a chance to win the game. 2:00 to play, manning's pass is tipped and intercepted. by brandon carr. returned 49 yards for a touchdown. the giants turned it over six times. they fall to the cowboys, 36-31. colin kaepernick and the 49ers taking on the packers. kaepernick, from the shotgun.
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holding the ball in the pocket. can't find anyone. can't find anyone. runs down the sideline. clay matthews slams him going out of bounds shy of the first down. the 49ers get involved. staley gets in the face of matthews. players are both sides are shoving. staley and matthews were both called for penalties. so it should be fourth down. but instead, the officials blow the call, they replay third and six. and with the extra chance, kaepernick, it's boldin. let's go to the fourth. 28-24, second and goal. frank gore plunging in. 49ers up, 31-28. three seconds left. packers down six. aaron rodgers under pressure. smith gets his arms. and the shovel pass falls incomplete. 49ers hang on to win. looking forward to the monday night football double header tonight on espn. all those hits in the nfl yesterday couldn't hold a candle to some that a guy in north
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carolina has been documenting. his camera is focused on a railroad bridge that has a tradition of shaving off the top of trucks and other vehicles. >> oh, don't do it, don't do it. >> oh, the camper breaks my heart. when drivers don't see the sign that indicates the height, you are seeing what happens. oh, my god. >> how about, he lost his air conditioning. >> that bridge must be made of, like -- >> titanium. >> kryptonite. >> i think there needs to be a new rule imposed on that road. if your car is too high, you can't get on the road. >> like something pops up and punctures your tire. up next, "the pulse." it is the first sunday in the nfl. we know who will be playing at the super bowl halftime show. and "the view" returns with a new host. and a guest that she's very, very close with. "the view" returns with a new host.
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♪ you make me feel like i've been locked out of heaven ♪ time to check "the pulse" on this monday. that tune is a big give away. big news for the super bowl. >> the nfl has officially announced that bruno mars will perform at the super bowl halftime show. >> the announcement is being met with a bit of disappointment for from new yorkers. >> many were hoping for the first new york-based super bowl in years, the nfl would have chosen a more high-profile new york talent, billy joel, bon jovi, or maybe bruce springsteen. i have to say, as a new yorker, i'm kind of happy. >> i know what you mean. you're happy? >> i am. we welcome back the view this morning. with the new host, jenny mccarthy. she'll be joined by someone special, her new beau, donnie wahlberg. >> he's promoting his show,
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"blue bloods" now in its fourth season. bloods, now if its fourth season. [ male announcer ] we'll be with her all day to see how it goes. [ claira ] after the deliveries, i was okay. now the ciabatta is done and the pain is starting again. more pills? seriously? seriously. [ groans ] all these stops to take more pills can be a pain. can i get my aleve back? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap.
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>> abc7 news starts right now with breaking news. >> the mt. diablo is raging. it is moving. it is not very well contained. >> we have team coverage coming up but right now we begin with mike nicco who saw the fire driving n. >> easy to say because there are no clouds in the east bay. the glow of orange even in the clouds is dominant. the smoke hasn't ascened yet or we scended into the lower levels. it could with the marine layer developing. concord winds are only three miles per hour. that means the smoke will blow to the south. i look at mt. diablo right now and these are the current conditions on mt. diablo at
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3,800'. temperatures are 77 degrees. the relative humid is 90 percent. the winds picked up and from the northwest at 18th. they were coming from the northeast yesterday and only around seven miles per hour. gusting up to 12 miles per hour. now they are from the northwest and blowing out around 18 miles per hour. i imagine that is the reason why the fire has wrapped around the east side and on the south side. you can see a distinct glow behind blackhawk the big subdivision in the hills to mt. diablo. it is working down to the south&up the south side of the mountain. that is what i can see this morning. our reporter, amy hollyfield, is gathering information on the scene. we will have a report shortly. overnight the flames grew from 800 acres to a thousand acres
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chars. crews will be on the scene for several days to monitor brushfire that burned 40 acres near sonoma off highway 121. it spread to a factory and several structures were destroyed along with factory equipment and power lines. >> we evacuated. when a fire line went down we had to pull the firefighters back. no injuries were reported. crews were able to get the fire under control but will continue to watch for flare-ups. the big story is the fire that is burning at mt. diablo state park and it grew overnight from how to a thousand acres. this means more residents are evacuating the wildfire that is raging near clayton in unincorporated contra costa county.


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